What You Will Get in This Bootcamp....

This Bootcamp is designed to offer Seven (7) Live Zoom Sessions: 

Session 1: Getting Prepared for the Potty Training Journey – Introduction to the “Leaning Into You” method of Nurture; Q & As.

Sessions 2- 6: Accomplishing the Potty Training together. Each day, we will meet together and know our plan of action, encourage each other, and go forth to conquer.

Session 7: Final Session of Celebration, Awards, Troubleshooting the Future, and Q&As. The hope is that connections are made during the Bootcamp and that the group support will continue ongoing.

Sign Up For the Bootcamp Below

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What Potty Training Mistakes Do You Want To Avoid?

Do you wonder if your child is ready for Potty Training? 

Do you worry about whether you are ready for Potty Training your child?

Why do some people seem to effortlessly fly right through Potty Training their child, while others struggle to reach success?

Take the Quiz and discover what you might be fearing needlessly and how you and your child can walk this road together successfully!

Take Quiz Here

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